Thursday, October 8, 2009

How not to Date a Death Investigator: Part 1 of 4

Actually, this rule/scenario probably applies to anyone who works with in the law enforcement community.

Everyday for the past several months I tell myself, "Thank God I've met a wonderful man!  I've never been more relieved to never have to do online dating anymore."

Not long after my divorce I decided that it was time for me to get out there and date.  The problem I had was that I was relatively new to the city I lived in and really didn't know anyone outside of work.  The other problem I had was the long hours I worked made it really hard to meet people.

So....after watching countless advertisements on television, I chose to try out a dating website.  I would have to say overall, that online dating is a BIG disappointment.  While my experiences weren't all bad, I don't know that I would go that route again.

Bachelor number 1:  A decent looking-photo on the internet.  He's only a couple years older than me.  College educated, divorced with one child.  All-in-all not such a bad combination.

We meet for lunch at a pretty nice restaurant for our first date.  He's good-looking and charming.  We have a nice time so we agree to meet for a second date.  This time it's a night out on the town. 

During the second date he starts asking me more about my career and what it's like working as a death investigator.

So I start talking about it and the people I work with and then and I mention to him that my coworker's and I tend to meet a bar not far from where I live one night a week.

Me:  You should join us sometime.  I think my friends would like you.

Him:  Your friends.  Yeah.  Are any of your friends cops?

Red flag #1.  Anytime the guys mentions that, it's probably not a good sign.

Me:  Yeah.  Some of them are.  Some of them are also retired police officers who work for my office and some of them work in Crime Scene.  Why?

Him:  I kind of have this thing against cops.

The little voice in my head screams "Run Away!  Run Away!"

Me:  Why?

Him:  I've been arrested three times.  I don't like cops. 

Wow!  He neglected to mention that on his online profile.  I learned later that night that he was also a gambler and a bookie.  This was definitely not someone I could bring home to my mother.  I don't expect the men I date to be perfect but I do expect a clean record.


  1. Hey There,
    We came here from our friend's site, Missi Mi.

    Being arrested three times seems like a big thing to leave off your profile. We're big proponents of honesty and good communication.....especially with online dating, etc.

    Enjoyed your well written posts.


  2. Yikes! Glad you were able to weed him out by the second date. I'm looking forward to parts 2, 3, and 4!

  3. Why isn't liar, cheat and bitter divorce' on Mark's profile? I haven't found one person online that is truthful on thier damn profile. I think this last experience has really changed my perception on dating in general..not just online dating. Gambler and DUI's are nothing compared to this douchebag. Thanks Allison for your posts...I love them.

  4. I wonder who the wonderful man is...hmmmm?

    I'd have to agree with "The Guys" as I too really enjoy the well written posts and look forward for the other parts.
